Showing posts with label wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wealth. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

lucrative opportunity for the astute investor looking

 Have you ever looked at the endless fields of golden wheat, lush vineyards, and believed they hold the secret to a prosperous future?  It has turned into a lucrative opportunity for the astute investor looking for a sustainable investment which increases in value over time. Agricultural land is the world's oldest and most crucial resource. Its value lies not just in its potential for farming and livestock, but also in its incredible resilience to fluctuations in the market. Unlike stocks and bonds, the value of agricultural land doesn't depreciate. Instead, it holds an inherent value, which often appreciates over time, making it a secure investment even in uncertain financial climates. Moreover, with the world's growing population and the ever-increasing demand for food and other agricultural products, the importance of agricultural land is higher than ever. With the right management, this land can turn into a gold mine, providing you with a steady income flow. Imagine owning land that appreciates in value year after year. Imagine having a consistent income source, immune to the financial market's volatility and uncertainties. This is not just a dream, but a reality for many who ventured into agricultural land investment. Isn't it time that you leveraged this opportunity too? Diversify your portfolio, mitigate your risks, and ensure a stable revenue stream. Remember, the land doesn't just provide financial security; it also contributes to the economy by creating jobs and supporting local communities. In essence, when you invest in agricultural land, you're not just growing your wealth but are also contributing to societal growth and development. 

Investing in land is never too late.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Friday, November 24, 2023

Powerful companies in the near future- My personal opinion

The companies that will produce hydrogen, batteries, electricity, water purification, and robots. I think companies that offer robots for rent will become really stable. They have a very good future. Not that there aren't any. Currently, some offer cars and construction equipment. But I'm talking about robots that will perform the work process of the average person. They will compete with a person in almost all activities. Small companies will not have the opportunity to immediately implement them in their production. Their rent will be more profitable than a worker. This will give a very big boost to the first ones who start to deal with renting out robots. If you have visited technical fairs, you know that the world changes by the hour. I'm a person who doesn't have a smartphone yet. But I can't forget 1998. I was assembling my own computer. Little by little, many technologies have appeared since then. In these 25 years, how many things have changed? I can't even imagine what it will be like in another 25 years. Flying a drone for sure won't even be in vogue and out of fashion. But whoever controls the energy, will drive the train. But definitely, by now there were 30 companies strong in the automotive industry. Now that more than 16,000 parts are lost to produce one car. Many companies became car manufacturers. But I am sure that there will still not be more than 100 companies that will withstand the competition. But their strength will be in good software and batteries that last the most. The most interesting thing is what actions the governments will take. To protect ordinary people from penury. Yes, they provide bread.

Author  Sezgin Ismailov

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Alternatives to get rich - Risk wins, Risk loses.

Yesterday I came across a graphic of a visual capitalist. How long does it take for money to double in different investments. For a period of nearly 100 years, it is truly impressive. Real estate is the worst. But 4.4 percent is something compared to nothing. A hundred dollars invested in a property after a hundred years becomes over 5,000 dollars is great, though. Gold 6.48 percent is better. Corporate bonds are very, very good at 6.96 percent. But Investing in the S&P 500 brings a yield of nearly 11.51 percent. This is phenomenal. This means that every 6 and a half years your money doubles. But let's not forget that if you hit the Initial Public Offering of a company that has a future and a good product. It can make you a several thousand dollar millionaire in no time. But recognizing such a company in times of huge competition is like hitting the lotto numbers. But sometimes the risk is worth it with a company with patents. But whatever you invest in brings dividends. Sometimes there is disappointment. For example, investing in a property in an area that is de-icing. When the market is calm, gold does not grow and you are waiting for a crisis. You come across a company that has appointed a bad manager and the very good company declares bankruptcy because of this bad management. Risk wins, Risk loses. But there is no alternative without risk. But let's not forget that the most that can make us very rich is something like an idea. Something you created and that is your ticket to your wealth. You can always sell the idea, but at least try to draw it or make a prototype.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Monday, October 3, 2022

How to be happy with what you have - my opinion

It's not bad to be rich, but we also need to spend time on mental and spiritual wealth for the little joys in life that are free. The importance of mental and spiritual wealth: It is often said that money cannot buy happiness. This may be true, but it is also true that having a healthy mind and spirit is essential to happiness. If your mind is constantly stressed and your spirit is constantly weighed down, it will be very difficult to find true happiness. This is why it is so important to invest in your mental and spiritual wealth. There are many ways to do this, but some of the most important things you can do are to meditate, spend time in nature, and surround yourself with positive people. The joys in life that are free: Many joys in life cost nothing at all. These are the things that truly make us happy. Spending time with loved ones, experiencing the beauty of nature, laughing until your sides hurt—these are the things that matter most. When you focus on the things that cost nothing, you will find that your life is infinitely richer. The balance of wealth and happiness: It is often said that the key to happiness is finding a balance between wealth and happiness. This is because if you have too much of either, it can lead to problems. Having too much wealth can lead to greed and selfishness, while having too much happiness can lead to complacency and a lack of motivation. The key is to find a healthy balance between the two. This can be difficult, but it is essential to a happy and fulfilling life. How to be happy with what you have: One of the most important keys to happiness is to be grateful for what you have. It is easy to take the things we have for granted, but when we do, we miss out on the joy they can bring. When you take the time to appreciate the things you have, you will find that your happiness level increases significantly. This is because gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel. So, make a point to be grateful for the good things in your life, and you will be sure to find more happiness.

Author Sezgin Ismailov

Eight logic puzzles to train the mind

Not only the body, but also the brain, needs training. 1. How many spoons should be placed on the table where a mother, father, and all thei...