I guess that Putin wants to use this uncontrolled money, if it becomes international money, as quickly as possible. He knows that this will be the beginning of the downfall of America. After all, their strength is in the dollar. But basically, every empire collapsed with help from within. There is one unknown answer for all. The Russians think that this was developed by the CIA. Americans think it was invented by the Japanese secret services. The Japanese think it is a development of the Chinese. Politicians think that there is a conspiracy against democracy, because if they do not control it to distribute the portions/budget, then it is anarchy. The business wants this because it will keep its money closer and will not look for offshore companies and so on. Optimists perceive immediate profits, while pessimists believe that the game will eventually end and that this is the largest pyramid scheme of the century. The head of Facebook is inwardly happy that one day his Libra coin will be legalized and will be the strongest of all others. I guess the bosses of McDonald's, Walmart, Amazon, and others with many clients are secretly hoping that this will happen and that they will make some such coin. All banks are dying of fear that they might become redundant. Those who are aware of the technology see competition from Western Union and the like. Dark side hackers see how they will make their biggest hits in time. I can write many more examples. Everyone sees things from their point of view. But when we look at the fantasy movies, there they still believe in money from precious rare raw materials. Time will determine who is correct and who is incorrect.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Some money making tips
For people from Warren Buffett , one of the world's most successful investors, is known for his wisdom and simple yet effective money management advice. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor, his advice can help you achieve your financial freedom. Top tips from Warren BuffettPay yourself first. Every time you get a paycheck, set aside a certain amount for investments. This creates a habit of saving and investing, which is essential for long-term wealth. Live below your means: Avoid the temptation to spend more than you earn. Live frugally and invest the difference.Invest in yourself: Education and acquiring new skills are the best investment you can make. This will help you increase your income in the long run. Diversify your portfolio: Avoid concentrating all your investments in a single asset. Invest in a variety of assets to reduce risk. Think Long Term: Avoid letting short-term market fluctuations influence your decisions. Focus on long-term goals and be patient. Buy Stocks You'd Hold forever: Invest in companies you understand and believe in. Avoid Debt: It can be a serious obstacle to achieving financial freedom. Pay your bills on time and avoid borrowing for non-essentials. Invest in index funds: Index funds are a passive way of investing that offers low costs and excellent diversification. Don't try to predict the market. No one can accurately predict market movements. Instead, focus on long-term trends. Be patient: Wealth builds over time. Don't expect quick results. Why is Buffett's advice so effective? Simplicity: Buffett's advice is simple for anyone to understand and apply. Long-term focus: Buffett believes in the power of compound interest and long-term investing. Discipline: Success in investing requires patience and the ability to stick to your plan. Principles-based: Buffett's advice is based on sound financial principles that hold true in any economic environment. Conclusion. By following Warren Buffett's advice, you can build a solid financial foundation and achieve your financial goals. Remember that success in investing takes time, patience, and discipline.
The technical analysis of his company shows that it may be one of the few in the world. The curve consistently ascends by 10 to 20 percent.
Friday, June 7, 2024
What do successful people have in common?
Have you ever wondered what the richest and most successful people have in common? It is certainly not their place of birth, the color of their eyes, the color of their skin, whether they had divorced parents, etc. What they have in common is that they read books. And a lot of books. You must be wondering who these special books are. There is hardly a success bible. There are many different books specifically for financial success. The reality is that they can point you in the right direction. How to organize your budget and how to invest. Yes, they are also a factor in decent financial discipline. The truth is very different. There is a story hidden in every book. In this story, you can find an opportunity for your dream. Fall in love with an item or service that you can develop. Then sell this idea of yours. Try to read one book a week. Let them be in different genres. Figure out what exactly you like. Then read at least a dozen books in this genre. Think and conclude again. You don't lose anything. You learn a little more about life. There are books that motivate. There are stories that can unleash your potential. There is a character from the books that inspires. You have the opportunity to get an idea. Any book can give you a million-dollar idea. You only need one idea. It could be your key to a door you want to be behind. There are many ways to sell your idea. If the idea is brilliant, you will always find sponsors. May the idea prosper, for the benefit of people and nature. I just know that everyone can rediscover themselves by looking at themselves from different angles. Books help with that. As far as I know, there is no better friend than a book. The knowledge they impart helps you become successful in your endeavors. The conclusion is that what successful people have in common is books.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
Friday, April 5, 2024
With your vote, you contribute to the future of your money.
The movement of money and the fundamental factors. I am definitely not a stock player who buys today and sells tomorrow. But I visit various groups and see them arguing and looking for a quick buck. Many people will say you should do fundamental analysis. Other technical analysis, most you need to know both. Specialists a lot. For me, it is important to choose from 3 to 10 stocks maximum. Three favorites up to 50 percent of the portfolio and the rest where you can average the risk. Everyone quotes Mr. Buffett, but their actions want to get rich if they can right now.If you look at Mr. Buffett's portfolio he has bought and held for years and his patience pays off. Because there are good moments but also bad. I also think that by investing you have really already chosen, you should hold for years. But what causes stock prices to fluctuate constantly? Demand and supply. When there is demand they go up. And the opposite holds true. But what makes this happen. One is the media, the other is the company's profits. The last, perhaps most important, politics. Not only the most important, but also the most significant that leads to the consequences. With the media, some big players (analysts) may be looking for a little volatility with the statement. To make their customers a little more money. The second option for the company's income, what affects it the most. Bad service or product. Regulatory obstacles. Competitiveness. If it's bad service, it's their own fault. Yes, competitiveness is now also a factor in unfair competition. But regulatory hurdles are the biggest factor. Finally we come to the politicians. So that politicians ultimately decide the fate of billions of people in the world. How, for example, in the case of friction between two countries and entire businesses go to the cinema.A company close to the politicians enjoys a subsidy. Government contracts that support large revenues. Yes, in case of major financial crises, the politicians are still to blame because they did not do their job. In an epidemic there, it's already God's work. But in conflicts between countries, the politicians are to blame. Out of nowhere, some group of people acquires a weapon. We're back to regulation or unenacted laws to outright ban guns. So instead of just following the company you worry about, will it make you a little richer. Think when you vote what kind of people you are voting for, nothing personal. Even with your vote you contribute to the future of your money.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Increasing the portfolio's potential for diversification
When I write something, it's a personal opinion. Specifically, I have Hong Kong shares and I am happy with the dividends. Investing carries risks, and in the stage of development of artificial intelligence, there will be many companies that become powerful, but this will also bring many other bankruptcies.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
Friday, February 9, 2024
Every person should ask themselves the most crucial question, which is how they might raise their money.
Това е най-простият метод за усложняване на лихвата. Предполагам, че има много книги, посветени на тази тема, и всичко, което правя, е да изразя личното си мнение. Всеки човек трябва да си зададе най-важния въпрос, а именно как може да събере парите си. Виждам го като подобно на инвестиране в акции, които са печеливши. Разберете как да намерите тези акции. Това може да стане по няколко различни начина. Моята стратегия обаче е просто да продължа по този маршрут. Първата ми цел е да постигна петдесет процента от портфолиото, за да го направя по-здрав и сигурен. Намирането на компанията в рамките на глобалните 2000 е първата стъпка в процеса. Присъствието в Fortune 500 е втората фаза в процеса. Третата стъпка е да се гарантира, че компанията е последователно класирана сред първите 30 най-ценни бизнеса в страната, в която е регистрирана. Най-малкото компанията трябва да бъде класирана сред най-добрите марки в нацията, в която е регистрирана. Това е четвъртата нужда. С други думи, това показва, че хората вярват в продуктите или услугите на компанията. Задължавам се да проверя дали приходите през последните пет години са се увеличили с поне пет процента годишно. Това ме води до петата точка. Здравейте и благодаря за присъствието. Като шеста точка, трябва да се уверя, че освен увеличаването на продажбите, увеличавам и приходите. Това е така, защото не е добре, ако не се увеличават. Седмо, трябва да се определи общият брой на задълженията, както и приходите и печалбите, които са достатъчни за покриване на тези задължения. Има ли налично финансиране в момента? Това е фактор, който допринася за компетентното управление на фирмата и готовността на фирмата да се справя с различни ситуации. Девето, факт, който ще помогне за подобряване на развитието: какви патенти има и колко от тях има. Какви връзки имате с учебните центрове? Десето, колко инвестиционни фондове от цял свят сега са инвестирани в тази компания? Най-малко петима големи инвеститори от типа на Black Rock, Vanguard, Schroders, Alliance, Държавния пенсионен фонд, Правителството на Сингапурската инвестиционна корпорация или други видни участници в индустрията. И последно, самото ръководство прави покупки от собствените си предприятия. Те вярват в усилията си и виждат развитието, което организацията прави. Те дори го смятат за надценен, ако има успех в продажбата. На дванадесето място, корпорацията е важен играч в нацията, в която оперира, и властите ще й помогнат в конкретни ситуации. Тринадесето, значителен брой от най-големите корпорации използват държавни субсидии, което е компонент на техните бизнес решения. Следователно те ще бъдат важни.Друго съображение е фактът, че използвате техните услуги или купувате техните продукти, което ни води до четиринадесетата точка. Следователно имате доверие в тази компания и сте доволни от артикулите или услугите, които предоставя. Пето, има ли програма за обратно изкупуване на собствените акции на корпорацията? Това води до намаляване на общия брой акции, което им дава възможност да повишат цената на акциите си. Четиринадесето, разпределя ли дивиденти през последните пет години? Препоръчително е да се прави ежегодно, с леко увеличение спрямо предходната година. Ако не, това не е добре. Ако притежавате акции, които не изплащат дивиденти, все пак струва ли си да ги притежавате? Според мен не си струва. Какво е да видиш нещо на екрана, без да можеш да го видиш под друга форма? Когато получите малка награда за вашата инвестиция, това е различно изживяване и носи едновременно радост и вълнение. Седемнадесето, ако смятате, че този продукт или услуга не е застрашен в бъдеще, без него няма как да продължите да живеете или не е просто преходен / остарява в сравнение с новите технологии или замърсява планетата / струва си да инвестирате . Възможно е да използвате съветите за вашето пълно портфолио; въпреки това е добра идея да се обмислят нововъзникващи компании, които ще генерират нов продукт и ще имат възможност да се установят с течение на времето. Нека само да отбележа едно нещо. Рядко бизнесите имат бърз растеж, който е придружен от много значителни проценти. Нищо друго не изисква непрекъсната инвестиция на време и усилия. Някой веднъж каза: "Капка по капка се разширява в езеро." Това е поговорка.
Автор Сезгин Исмаилов
Friday, December 8, 2023
Multiply your money with the dividend kings - Money as it moves/works/grows
Some companies have been paying dividends for over fifty years. What this means. Kind of instead of getting interest from the bank. This is the one plus. The other main option is that they also increase in value. If you receive a salary and have no loans. Some numbers are accumulating in your account that you cannot spend. As it turns out, you have such an opportunity almost every month. Money is accumulating in your bank account, but is it outpacing inflation? I do not believe it. However, if you invest this excess money in a developed business/company with dividends/. You have an opportunity to manage your money. A way to make money work for you. Besides growing, you can also get interest on your money constantly. The companies listed below are proven to grow your money. American States Water, Dover, Emerson Electric, Genuine Parts, Northwest Natural, Parker-Hannifin, Procter & Gamble, 3M, Cincinnati Financial, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, Lancaster Colony, Nordson, Hormel Foods, California Water Service, ABM Industries, Commerce Bancshares, Federal Realty Inv. Trust, SJW, Stanley Black & Decker, Stepan Company, H.B. Fuller, Altria Group, Sysco, National Fuel Gas, Kimberly-Clark, Abbott Laboratories, Becton Dickinson, PepsiCo, Target, PPG Industries, ADM, Nucor, Middlesex, Bank of Nova Scotia, Church & Dwight, CIBC, Church & Dwight, Eli Lilly, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, General Mills, Hawaiian Electric, American Electric Power, Union Pacific, Royal Bank of Canada, Avista, MGE Energy, Bank of Montreal, Ingersoll-Rand.
The most interesting thing is that one has a choice of so many companies. These are proven North American companies. In another article, I will write about European and Asian companies.
Money as it moves/works/grows.
Author Sezgin Ismailov
Friday, November 11, 2022
An ordinary person's opinion about cryptocurrencies ..
I am not very familiar with these currencies. I have an overview of the net and the gossip around it. The advantages of cryptocurrencies. The only thing I understood well is that they use blockchain technology which brings innovation to many other things on the web. The cons of cryptocurrencies. That is, there is no control body. Each country has one currency. But anyone good with a computer can make cryptocurrency. As far as I know, there are already over 5000 species. I won't be surprised if they become over a hundred thousand cryptocurrencies. Anyone who thinks any subsequent cryptocurrency will be able to hold their own is saying. Let me buy, I have a chance to get rich quick. He is quick to invest. What is he investing in...I have no idea. Fintex-type money transfer app with a variable value. But ask yourself the question. As long as there are heads of government and very powerful banks, will they leave the people alone to do whatever they want. Over time, whichever bank has a lot of clientele will also tune in and make its own cryptocurrency and charge for transactions. I think the biggest problem is saving your password or really knowing it. If you forget it, what do you do? I have no idea what happens when the owner of these cryptocurrencies dies. You go to a normal bank with your passport or a certificate for the heirs and you have the option of getting your money back. Yes, if you want to buy something illegal, that's great. To pass tax-free is great. But if we don't pay taxes, even if we have all the cryptocurrencies, who will take care of the infrastructure and order. For example, let's say a big company like Amazon makes a cryptocurrency and says it only accepts payment in that currency. You walk into Walmart and it only accepts its currency. You go to McDonald's and she wants you to pay with their currency. What does the average citizen do? Must have a smartphone. Please do not confuse the password every time to make a transaction from one currency to another. Yes, a big deal as it only pays for transactions. Without any intention, you go on a trip to a country in a hotel where he has already paid. But there is no cigarette shop there. He goes to the nearby village, but unfortunately, he has no range and what he does ...... I think that the disadvantages are much more than the advantages of cryptocurrencies. Yes, if they are digital currencies of continents /Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia + one as a pillar of the others. For example only up to five maximum, with control from all nations. And if it is dug in only one place untouchable for people to whom the whole world is to blame and think how to harm, then maybe there is a future. It's one thing to watch a fantasy movie, it's another to live a fantasy life. A third of the world still doesn't even have clean water to drink. But this wandering of many cryptocurrencies will someday lead to the proper digital currencies. I don't want to predict, but it will be the big financially and digitally advanced protected states. I can't help but add the cost of mining energy. Where we must protect nature.
If you don't sow something, you won't reap anything.
The message of the proverb emphasizes that nothing comes for free and that success requires action and investment. It reminds us to be acti...

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The book is likely to be a person's closest companion and the most dependable source of support it can provide. Reading books is the co...